Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dear daters,

About a million and a half people are posting this link, lately.  So, I thought I would too.  It's about dating people you know are wrong for you, and stopping doing that, and trusting God with your dating life.

Other updates:
The Vampire story was not about me.  I've asked the girl who sent it in for a more detailed post soon.

I've been so quiet about dating because one of the guys I was dating for a while was awesome, but old, and wealthy.  So while it would make a great blogging story, I can't really discuss it for privacy reasons. (Read: you'd figure out who I was talking about)

I will be updating some blogs about dates with Nerd Conference (the guy I met in Vegas).  He's come out twice to visit me now.  And he still has that hot British Accent. Huzzah for being told you're hot with an accent. ;)


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dear Vampire,

Dear Mr. Vampire:
You clearly suck.  I hate you.  This was one of the worst social experiences of my life.  It was cool for you to kiss me but not cool for you to bite me and leave marks.

Signed:  Has a sharp stake and garlic.

 actual photographs of this incident...