Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dear Nerd Conference (again and again),

So... Nerd Conference and I talked off and on throughout the fall.  He wanted to come one weekend, but I was having a girl's weekend and the next weekend was a football game... so yeah, that wasn't going to work for me.

So he came for two nights in early December.  Once again, he was a perfect gentleman and stayed in a hotel.  We went to dinner and during dinner he hands me a pair of earrings I left in his suite in Vegas.  This is why I wear studs and not dangling earrings... they will hurt my ears and I will take them off and leave them in stranger's rooms and never see them again.  Except he kept them for me and brought them back.  See, told you, he was really nice.

So after dinner, we both went home because he had to get up to see a customer in Charlotte, and I work all the dang time.  So the next night was a Friday night... so we had another nice dinner and then he introduced me to the wonderful world of Red Box.  My tree was already up, so it was quite romantic and cozy.


When he left that night, he texted me when he got to his hotel that he missed me. Aw.

He didn't really do anything wrong... other than to live in the wrong state. Sucks to be him.


Dear Flat Tire,

I agreed to meet you for coffee, since I wasn't that into your profile.  I said I needed to meet later in the evening because of work.  You said no problem, you would be coming straight from your son's baseball game anyway. So after working a LONG day, I headed over to the Starbucks.

My phone was in my bag, since I have my crutches, I don't have hands to carry things like bright pink cell phones.  So... I didn't hear it buzz when you sent me a text at quarter til.  Saying you had a flat tire and wanting to reschedule.

Your wording, however, threw up red flags.

1. You said you "just walked outside" and your tire was flat.  I'm guessing that you didn't just walk outside anywhere, since you should have been outside at your son's baseball game.

2.  A text message within 15 minutes of when you are supposed to meet someone is unacceptable.  Normal people would have called, ESPECIALLY if they didn't get an immediate response. Which leads me to my next thought:

3. There must have been a reason you didn't call.  The only reason I can think of... you are married or in a relationship and couldn't be overheard.

So, Flat Tire, I will not be rescheduling with you. Gross.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Dear Nerd Conference (again),

Oh my loyal readers... I've been busy busy busy.  Sorry for the long delay in posting.  Let's pick back up where we left off shall we?

So... the guy I met in Vegas, Nerd Conference, decided he simply must come visit me in North Carolina.  So about a month after Vegas he flew in from Austin, where he lives.  He's super handsome and has a hot British accent, which he uses to tell me how amazing and gorgeous I am... what's not to love?

So, anyway, I told him he would have to get a hotel. He agreed, and the day arrived when he flew in.  I was super busy at work so I didn't come to pick him up from his hotel until later.  He was a trooper though.  He gamely went along with my driving tour of Raleigh.

We went to Bella Monica for dinner, and talk and drank wine and it was not nearly as awkward as it should have been. I mean, really, it could have been beyond awkward considering we had never seen each other sober. (or even something remotely close to sober.. remember, I didn't even know he had an accent until someone told me, and he has a STRONG accent).

 We kissed, of course, but at the end of the night, I dropped him right back off at his hotel.  I told him I would come get him the next day and we could do breakfast before he flew back home.

So... the next morning, I get up and pick him up for breakfast.  I had to go to work that day, and the airport was close to his hotel, so I decided to go to my favorite breakfast place in Raleigh... Waffle House.  No, seriously, I am in love with their hashbrowns.

He laughed and asked if we were really going there sober, and I told him not to be such a wuss. So in we walk, and we sit down.  Over comes the waiter. Who recognizes me.


Who recognizes me from all the breakfasts I had there with Sam's Club before work.

Double Shit.


Kill me now.

So, the waiter comes up to the two of us and says "I saw your ex in here about a month ago.  He was by himself. He looked like hell. Very sad. Very lonely"

I said... "Oh, that's too bad. I'll have the hashbrowns" but in my mind I was thinking "Good. Serves him right... BUT CAN'T YOU SEE I AM ON A DATE WITH A HOT BRITISH GUY?!?!"

Omg. Awkward.  Nerd conference, in his very polite British way, just smirked at me and didn't make too much of a big deal out of it, except a snide remark or two about how many guys I must take there.

After we ate, Nerd Conference was off to Europe for some work.  We kissed goodbye just like in the movies.
