Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dear Nerd Conference (again and again),

So... Nerd Conference and I talked off and on throughout the fall.  He wanted to come one weekend, but I was having a girl's weekend and the next weekend was a football game... so yeah, that wasn't going to work for me.

So he came for two nights in early December.  Once again, he was a perfect gentleman and stayed in a hotel.  We went to dinner and during dinner he hands me a pair of earrings I left in his suite in Vegas.  This is why I wear studs and not dangling earrings... they will hurt my ears and I will take them off and leave them in stranger's rooms and never see them again.  Except he kept them for me and brought them back.  See, told you, he was really nice.

So after dinner, we both went home because he had to get up to see a customer in Charlotte, and I work all the dang time.  So the next night was a Friday night... so we had another nice dinner and then he introduced me to the wonderful world of Red Box.  My tree was already up, so it was quite romantic and cozy.


When he left that night, he texted me when he got to his hotel that he missed me. Aw.

He didn't really do anything wrong... other than to live in the wrong state. Sucks to be him.


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