Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dear Flat Tire,

I agreed to meet you for coffee, since I wasn't that into your profile.  I said I needed to meet later in the evening because of work.  You said no problem, you would be coming straight from your son's baseball game anyway. So after working a LONG day, I headed over to the Starbucks.

My phone was in my bag, since I have my crutches, I don't have hands to carry things like bright pink cell phones.  So... I didn't hear it buzz when you sent me a text at quarter til.  Saying you had a flat tire and wanting to reschedule.

Your wording, however, threw up red flags.

1. You said you "just walked outside" and your tire was flat.  I'm guessing that you didn't just walk outside anywhere, since you should have been outside at your son's baseball game.

2.  A text message within 15 minutes of when you are supposed to meet someone is unacceptable.  Normal people would have called, ESPECIALLY if they didn't get an immediate response. Which leads me to my next thought:

3. There must have been a reason you didn't call.  The only reason I can think of... you are married or in a relationship and couldn't be overheard.

So, Flat Tire, I will not be rescheduling with you. Gross.


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