Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dear Hamilton,

This weekend, A and I went out to the bars with some other girls.  We were drunk and ridiculous (what else is new) and giving out fake names.  Like we do, when we aren't really interested, but we still want to flirt.

So, A strikes up a drunken convo with three guys at a table (dudes reading this blog, if you have empty seats near you, girls will appear. it's not you, our heels are killing us).  We introduce ourselves with fake names as always.  Guys one and two say hello. Not guy three.

Guy three goes "W is not your name!  You went to the College of Management.  You were in ______ club and ______ club with me."

Busted.  Can I point out that college was forever ago, because his name did ring somewhat familiar, but I in no way would have remembered it over 5 years later.

Does stuff like this happen to anyone else?  Or just me?


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