Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dear Tim the Angry Man,

I had totally forgotten about you until you popped up on my facebook feed a few days ago.  Tim the psycho.  P was friends with you and wanted to set us up on a blind date when I was in Raleigh for the summer during law school.  So she gave you my number and you began texting and calling.  You seemed normal, and I was looking forward to actually meeting you.

Flash forward to Memorial Day weekend 2007.  I had just arrived in Raleigh for my internship. H was in town, so we were going out with several people from her company in town for training.  We were hanging out at a bar, and I was clearly with about 10 guys and H (her company is decidedly male-dominated).  I was flirting with one of the guys (fun fact: he was 6'6 and when I went out with him a few times, it was sooo awkward because I'm so short).  And apparently you saw me and recognized me from my facebook pictures.

I don't remember seeing you, and as I had never met you, I probably wouldn't have recognized you if I had.  But you marched right up to the group I was sitting in the middle of, and proceeded to introduce yourself/bitch me out.  It was the weirdest thing ever.  I'd never met you and yet there I was getting yelled at by a stranger. The tirade included you mentioning that I was a snob, I found you unattractive, you were too short for me, etc.  Talk about awkward.  Everyone just stood there stunned, like who is this guy.

I don't remember what I said or did. I think I tried to be as polite as I could with a nice-to-meet-you-too and then returned to conversing with my party.  You had just used up all three strikes with that rant, and I wasn't about to go out with you then.

But you weren't done yet.  You called me at about 3am that night. Left a five minute voicemail, calling me a bunch of names, including bitch.  Seriously.

I didn't respond and the next day you proceeded to try and chitchat with me like nothing had happened. Uh no.  You have anger management issues that I am unprepared to deal with in someone I've never even gone on a date with.

All the best with your issues,


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