Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dear Outback and Matt the Lawyer (Again)

While on vacation in Palm Coast, Florida this week, I received some random texts.  The first was from Outback:

It was a picture of a man in a gorilla costume with the caption: My, brother. I think he's adopted.

Um, what?  I haven't responded to your last text message, that was sent weeks ago.  And now you randomly send me a picture of a gorilla?  Delete me from your phone already, weirdo.

The next random text message was from Matt the Lawyer.  I randomly hear from him, but I am guessing this is probably a mass text he sent out to random girls he thinks he has on the hook.

His text: I bought 2 gallons of summer ale from the brewery in Danville where I grew up.  It's really good! We have to get together and drink it.

Um, Matt. We went out once. I am not going to go "drink gallons of summer ale with you."  I don't even like ale.  At all.  Nor does drinking constitute a real date.  Better luck with the other girls you sent that message to...


1 comment:

  1. Haha, you're right. Drinking gallons of ale is definitely NOT a date. Sounds more like some college frat. boy competition...
