Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dear Baltimore,

 We emailed and talked on the phone for a few weeks and then decided to meet. I had never been out in Baltimore so I said well I’ll just come up to Baltimore and we can go out. You first talk about what you have groupons for. You told me what you did, I can guess you don’t need coupons for first dates. 

You are in your 30s… I know this isn’t your first date ever. Since we get along so well, I decide not to care. You decide not to use a coupon on the date. However, you did not decide to not tlak about your ex in great detail and use her name multiple times. You also tell me that you are comparing me to her. Are you seriously telling me this?



  1. Your 'friend' jac026 posted a reference to your blog on the comment section of this article:

  2. I'm aware. If he/she doesn't like the blog, then he/she doesn't have to read it. It's a funny look at dating, not a website designed to end world hunger, so I'm not really sure how it relates to the forbes article. Perhaps jac026 should lighten up.
