Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dear H and My First Blogging Interview,

Greetings loyal readers.  I hope y'all had a wonderful workday and are enjoying the last few days of summer.

Two things today:

1. H, one of our favorite guest writers, had a story about one of her dates in the September issue of Glamour!  Kudos for her discussing this new phenomenon of unreasonable expectations from guys on dates.  She's famous!  I want to know what you think about this.  Have any of your dates ever tried this move on you (probably not this direct, but maybe)?  Did you fall for it?  If he asked, but was the hottest guy on the planet, would it be a dealbreaker?

2. I was interviewed by R, one of my best college buddies, for her hilarious blog upperbottom.com.  So check that out here.  And, she has agreed to write us a guest blog on how her now husband managed to recover from what apparently was a less-than-stellar first date.  Can't wait to hear about that!




  1. Your link to the Glamour article links to: "http://www.tulsaworld.com/blogs/sportspost.aspx?/Butch_Davis_joins_John_Blake_under_a_familiar_bus/13-12018"

    ?? Fix please so we can read!

  2. fixed. hopefully that works. sorry about that. :)
