Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dear Plan B (again)

So I finally went out with Plan B last night.  We went to dinner and to watch the VCU/Butler game. Total ACC country first date, I know.  He picked me up on time (points) in a nice car (no points since he's a car dealer).  We went to Tobacco Road in Durham, which is one of my favorite restaurants, so he also got points for that.

There is a long wait so we head to the bar, and snag 2 seats facing the big screen. So perfect.  I had barely sat down when I spotted my cousin's Aunt.  So I had to say hi and explain why I wasn't there with Sam's Club, but instead with Plan B. And I had a mind blank at his name so I couldn't introduce him. hahhaa. Good times.  So we get drinks while we wait on our food.  I hadn't had food since a sorority brunch much earlier in the day... so of course, 1 drink in and I was tipsy.  The joys of being a light weight.

So in walks a group of people I know from Bible Study and Church.  There I am, tipsy, at the bar, with a guy whose name I have apparently forgotten.  Luckily the church group stood right behind us for a good 30 minutes. That's right, a group of Baptists hanging out at the bar.

That's when Plan B decided to up the ante.  He took a ring and moved it to his ring finger, saying "Now the people at church will think you are on a date with a married man." Hahahaa. Funny, but they are probably saying a prayer for me right now.  Seriously.

On the ride home we discussed nipple guards. Yes, you read that right.  He was telling me about running a marathon (hot, since I do not run unless a homeless man wanting to "show me something" is chasing me).  Apparently he was running this marathon and his nipples bled from the friction on his shirt.  So the next marathon he ran, he had to buy nipple guards.  Yes, it is a real product.  And yes, I had to look it up.

So after the game, he takes me straight home and literally runs out the door to get to his friend's house to watch the UConn game.  Like makes no move, and drops me off before 9pm.  Seriously, it was the weirdest thing ever. I think that may be the first date in history of all of my dates where the guy didn't try to make a move.  Weird.

In discussion with E:

w: he was weird
like hot
like i know he's not right for me
i just want to make out with him
is that bad?
E: that's the story of your life

I think that about sums it up. Haha.

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