Friday, March 25, 2011

Dear Sun(shine state),

Sometime in early July, Sun kept asking me to come see him in Florida.  Jacksonville is only about 6 hours from Raleigh, so I rounded up a group of girls and we made the trip.  M (who was talking with a ball player on the Mudcats team), me, P (who got us into this mess) and H (who was recovering from a drunken trip to NYC).

So we left Friday morning, and arrived at the team's hotel in time to get ready and make it to their game.  We decided to walk to the game so we could drink more.  We had nice seats, and sat next to the guys clocking the pitches from the opposing team.  Naturally we made friends with them, and since they were on the opposing team, they were staying at the same hotel. (This team was the Montgomery Biscuits. I kid you not, look them up).  The Sun was very attentive and sent the bat boys up with grape double bubble. He's a quick one. 

So anyway, after the game we all (both teams and us) head to the bars.   But first Sun wanted to take me to dinner, since we hadn't eaten dinner yet.  So we head to the only place open that late, Hooter's.  That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I have been on a date to Hooter's.  I tried to pay for my own meal so it wouldn't count as a date, but he insisted... Oh, Sun, you have so much to learn about women. 

Lots of drinking occured at the bars, except for H who drank water, because her liver was failing post-NYC.  A good time is had by all. M snags her a Sun (a girl after my own heart, given the Mudcat she was still texting) and spends the night at his place.  Which means that the rest of us had to go into the ghettos of Jacksonville the next day, with no GPS, to find her.  Awesome.  We spent the afternoon sobering up, eating Sonic, and then we headed over to their game that night.

Except, after eating crappy government cheese on our nachos and getting hot and bored, we decided to go back to the hotel and get ready to go out.  Which led to an angry text from Sun, who got to pitch that night, and I did not stay to see it. Sorry for partying.

But, being boys, they all got over it and we went out to the bars again.  The bar owner loved us (who doesn't?) and bought us a lot of shots.  When closing time came, I started to chug my drink and that's when a bouncer gave me a solo cup and said I could take it to-go.  I heart florida!  So somehow, the party gets split up on the walk back to the hotel.  H and I end up talking to a guy from Pensacola with fur on his tennis shoes. No joke!

We arrive back at the hotel, and P is no where to be found.  Turns out, she was licking a Biscuit....

The next day we got up and returned to Raleigh.  My infatuation was pretty much over with Sun.  I had too many other boys on deck in Raleigh.

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