Monday, March 21, 2011

Dear UPS,

(The next guy from Summer 2005 was a "frat boy."  The bff dared me to kiss three guys in one night.  So I believe I made out with some randoms and then I called Frat Boy to come over and watch a movie/ complete the dare.  I won the dare.)

Up next was UPS.  (I can't remember why he had that nickname, but since he did, I'll just go along with it.)  I knew UPS from college.  He was home at Lake Norman for the summer, which is, incidentally, about 20 minutes from my hometown.  I happened to go home one weekend and UPS asked me out.  He drove to pick me up in a convertible. Bonus points.  But the top was up.  Negative points.  We go to his house, and take his boat out to drive to dinner.  He remembered that my favorite restaurant at the lake was Midtown Sundries.  Mucho points.  Dinner and the date were pretty good.  It was dark, though, as we took the boat back to his place.

UPS, here is where you screwed up.  On the way back from dinner, you claimed to get lost.  You pulled into a cove to "get your bearings."  Unfortunately for you, you had told me you had lived on the lake for 17 years.  You weren't lost at all, and I knew it.  You were just thinking a moonlit lake was the perfect makeout spot.  Fine. Great. Smooth Move. 

But it was getting freezing cold on the water, and I am sure I was wearing something really short and cute.  So I was like "um yeah, I see the interstate over there, so I'm pretty sure I know where we're at on the lake, and I can get us home."  So you awkwardly and miraculously regained your "bearings" and drove us back.  And due to your sketchy behavior, we never went out again.  Ahoy!

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