Sunday, March 20, 2011


Dear O'Henry,

We met last night at Isaac Hunter's.  (fun bar... used to work right beside it, and never went in, but definitely on the short list from now on)  This first part is not your fault, but you immediately started talking to me about Koh Tao, Thailand.  You couldn't know that I spent a week there with Sam's Club, learning to scuba dive.  Most people have never heard of this place, let alone spent time there.  So that was pretty neat.  What was not pretty neat was you accusing me of having a sugar daddy within 5 minutes of meeting me.  You don't know me, and you certainly don't know enough about my finances to make that judgment call.

Your next mistake was mention that you had 4 speeding tickets.  4 speeding tickets?  Are you 16?  All of them for reckless driving.  Nothing is more attractive in a man than excessive insurance premiums.  But then, after a few minutes of questioning by my friends, we find out that you do not have 4 speeding tickets.  You actually have 7.  WTF.  So not only are you a terrible driver, you are a liar.  Just my favorite type of guy!  Um no.

So, let's recap for the hungover:
1. don't insult a girl within a few minutes of meeting her. it's not good to start off in the hole, trying to dig yourself out of it.
2. don't brag about breaking the law. its not really attractive. especially to a lawyer.

happy sunday everyone!  hopefully next weekend I will have speed dating stories for y'all!

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